Are you tired of the challenges in your property deals?
Online Property is your key to a quicker and more efficient experience.

Close Any Deal Faster
Discover how we can help you earn more by closing deals faster. Register for a meeting now!
  • Choose a time that suits you.
  • Choose a format convenient for you.
  • Directly ask our experts any questions you have in a meeting.
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Two months of a
free trial period
Regardless of the quantity, let us handle
your property listings during your trial.

Broker Challenges

Online Property understands and addresses your challenges:

Limited deal
Risk of losing clients due to
prolonged property sale periods
Time-consuming property searches
with outdated or inaccurate listings
Struggle with fake and sold-out
wasting valuable time
Excessive time and effort
invested in ad creation
Cumbersome communication
across multiple platforms
High expenditure
on listings
Frustration with excessive bureaucracy
in Dubai's real estate market

Explore how Online Property can relieve common broker pains.

Please register for a meeting to learn how we can assist you.

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Explore Our
Unique Features

  • Two-sided brokers’ revenue for seamless partnerships.
  • Fast communication on the platform in Chat and integration with WhatsApp & Telegram.
  • Consistently up-to-date listings.
  • Time-saving trial: Online Property handles ad creation.
  • PDF listings sharing module to simplify collaboration.
  • Exclusive Properties for more deals.
  • Convenient search filters for easy listing access.
  • Ultimate security with RERA integration.
  • Comments on listings opportunity - to let others know you're interested in or found a fake listing.
  • Simplified ad creation with Chat GPT.
  • Subscription fee independent of listing quantity.
  • List your property without worrying about contract A availability.
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Who is Online

We provide tailored tools and resources for licensed agents and agency managers in Dubai, ensuring success in this dynamic real estate market.
Real Estate Agencies
Real Estate Agencies
Our platform enables effortless management, providing insights and efficiency for agencies.
Foreign Agents
Foreign Agents
Regardless of your location, Online Property is your partner for seamless real estate transactions in Dubai.
Benefit from effective property advertising and streamlined communication with agents, optimizing marketing efforts.

Meet Our Experts

Meet the minds behind Online Property:
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Alex Maznyi
Alex Maznyi
CEO Online Property, 18 years of managerial experience, 100+ projects developed
Valeriia Zolotarova
Valeriia Zolotarova
Experienced project and sales professional with a versatile skill set
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Ready to Explore More?

Register for a meeting and take control of your property journey. The choice is yours – continue dealing with pains or join Online Property!
Work with Online Property
Registration Bonus
  • Two months of a free trial period
  • Regardless of the quantity, let us handle your property listings during your trial.